PVP Distribution Network

The 340B Prime Vendor Program distribution network includes distributors of all sizes and types to accommodate the specific needs of entities.

The PVP Distribution Network serves all 340B covered entities, regardless of size.

The 340B Prime Vendor Program (PVP) distribution network includes distributors of all sizes and types to accommodate the specific needs of entities, from the largest disproportionate share hospitals (DSHs) to the smallest grantees. This ensures that distributors can provide the covered entities access to PVP discounts while meeting their customers’ unique distribution needs.

The 340B PVP distribution network provides access to affordable medications while supporting program integrity and transparency through a diverse network of traditional, specialty, and limited drug distributors, as well as medical/surgical and vaccine suppliers, that serve all 340B covered entities, regardless of size.

PVP Distribution Network Connects Covered Entity Access and Compliance

The PVP serves as a partner to covered entities, distributors, and manufacturers through a distribution network that supports access, program integrity, and transparency.


Distributors in this network cover 100% of the nation, including US territories.

Program integrity

The PVP distribution team creates the infrastructure to support stakeholders in 340B compliance and operations.

Distributors in the network manage compliant 340B account setup and manufacturer price updates, as well as verifying covered entities’ program eligibility. This helps support timely and accurate loading of 340B PVP contract information so that distributors support covered entity compliance and savings while ensuring that manufacturers’ pricing is correctly administered.

340B PVP contracted products sold through the distribution network are regularly audited through the PVP pricing integrity program to confirm that the correct contract price was charged to participants. This helps to reduce pricing errors and credit/rebill activity and improves communication among 340B stakeholders by facilitating collaborative resolutions when pricing issues occur.


340B PVP partners with covered entities, distributors, manufacturers, HRSA, and industry stakeholders, such as the Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) and Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA), to resolve 340B supply chain challenges and to ensure that pricing and covered entity eligibility transparency are in place for all stakeholders.


Distributors Cover 100% of the Nation Including US Territories


PVP Network Distribution List

A complete list of the PVP distribution network including contact information for participants and geographical coverage.

Learn more >

PVP Resources for Distributors
PVP authorized distributors receive 340B operational and compliance support, as well as access to secure website tools.
340B University Online Learning (OnDemand) — Distributor Curriculum >

Learn essential compliance elements of the 340B Program by completing the abbreviated curriculum at your own pace from your home or office. Users who complete all modules and the course evaluation will receive a statement of completion.

PVP Secure Website >

Partnering as a distributor in the PVP grants you access to the PVP secure website, a password-protected online resource that provides resources for distributors such as PVP participant lists, access to the PVP contract catalog, tools, and more.

Learn More

For further details about becoming a Prime Vendor authorized distributor, please contact the Apexus Answers call center.