Save on drug costs and gain access to other valuable services by enrolling in the Prime Vendor Program (PVP).
Once enrolled in the PVP, your 340B account will include PVP pricing contracts with discounts on brand, generic, and specialty drug products. The Prime Vendor also delivers lower costs on non-340B items such as vaccines and medical supplies. Enrollment is voluntary and the application takes just a few minutes to complete.
Enrolling in the PVP grants you access to the PVP secure website, a password-protected online resource that allows participants to access information on discounted pricing in a secure environment. Access to the secure website must be requested after your facility has enrolled in the Prime Vendor Program.
PVP secure website features:
Your facility must be enrolled in the 340B PVP before you can register for access to the PVP secure website. If you are already enrolled in the 340B PVP, or need to request access for an additional employee, you can register online to obtain login credentials for the secure PVP participant website.
Discover how customized operational resources can help inform purchase decisions and identify areas for savings. View this short video to learn more about the resources available on the PVP secure site.
Watch 340B OnDemand Module 1, “Introduction to the 340B Drug Pricing Program,” and get the basics in less than 15 minutes.